Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Term Limits

The more I think about it, the more I start to believe that the real solution to governmental problems is "Term Limits"Politicians are corrupted by the power, they're some kind of aristocracy.The Republican Senator from Utah, Orrin Hatch, has been in the Senate since before my wife and I were born! I would like him replaced, but he'll never lose a primary to another republican (they don't even try to run against him) and he'd never lose the election to a democrate. He's there until he decides he doesn't want to be anymore. I think term limits would return our government to a true "representative" form, it would make for real "public service" (we should cut politician's salaries by the way), and I think politicians would be more accountable and focus more on the people than themselves. What do you think?

1 comment:

Map Maker said...

Imagine a US senate where everyone who currently has more than 8 years in office is gone. And where every who is in their position was elected within the last eight years. How do you see things being different?

In some of what I hear in the news about term limits, it seems that the politicians are almost always against it. Isn't that right there pretty good reason to believe it's probably a good thing?