Thursday, February 21, 2008


I changed my blog address and then someone stole all my old stuff! Weird.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


They say we shouldn't change our mind about abortion because Amillia's survival was a miracle.


And they are from the first moment to the day they're born to the day they die and beyond.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Senate 2006 election

I found this on a forum for Move on. org

"Presently the Senate is made up of 44 Democrats, 55 Republicans and one Independent. If the Republicans manage to gain 5 more seats they will have the 60 they need to do whatever they want. Kill the filibuster, the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. I don't mean to be the voice of doom, but, we need to stop wasting our breath blowing off steam and get to work making sure we get as many Democrats as possible elected. This is where MoveOn could be of great help. WE CAN TAKE THE SENATE!"

This is the part that really got me though,

"A whole slew of Democrats may be retiring: California (Feinstein-D) - Hawaii (Akaka-D) - Massachusetts (Kennedy-D) - New Jersey (Corzine-D) - West Virginia (Byrd-D) - Wisconsin (Kohl-D) - Utah (Hatch-R). This is trouble. We must keep these seats and maybe even gain one."

One of these names is not like the other, one of these names just isn't the same. Have you picked up on it yet?


Friday, December 02, 2005


It would seem that more tears are shed for the murderers than for their innocent victims. It is hard to feel that justice is being served by a life sentence for some or even most murders. If you take the property and infringe on the freedoms of others, you stand to lose your own property and freedoms. If you take the life of another, it seems perfectly reasonable that you lose the right to your own. The severity of the punishment must match the severity of the crime or else justice is not served. The number of murders since 1976 is staggering at a mark well over half a million! The number of executions is less than 00.18% of the number of murders. That's not 18%, but .18%. Additionally, the number of people who were on death row falsely (I think this site says it is 120 or more) is a small number if we put it in perspective. Even if we say that for every 2 people murdered since 1976, there is only one person to be prosecuted and sentenced, then only 00.04% of those people were the wrong people. If we stretch the numbers even farther and say there is only one murderer for every four murders and that there are 400 innocent people on death row, that is still only .29%. Or in other words, 99.7% of murderers will either not be put on death row, or will be there, but are guilty. Innocent people on death row is a reason to improve the system, not a reason to do away with the death penalty. One of the best reasons for the death penalty is, that person can never harm or kill anyone ever again.
(-We stand by as thousands are murdered each year, We let the murderers live, and we legalize the murder of our unborn children)

Media Milestones

Sometimes the media does not report what is important, but rather it tries to make something important by reporting it. There is nothing significant about the 1,000th execution since 1976 other than it is a round number. If the media thinks that round numbers are so important, they have missed many opportunities to mark the milestones we've reached in murder in this country since 1976. They could have given news coverage and a special profile on the life of the 1,000th murder victim since 1976, or the 2,000th, 3,000th, 4,000th, 10,000th, 15,000th, or 18,000th (all of which they could have done in 1976 alone) They could have highlighted the 20,000th, 30,000th, 50,000th and 100,000th as well. They could have informed us of the 200,000th, 300,000th, 400,000th or 500,000th victim since 1976 and the tragic circumstances of their untimely end. But instead we get a week or more of reporting on the sad tale of the 1000th murderer to be executed. Why is there so much attention and tears shed for murderers and so little for victims? It is a sad, crazy, mixed up world in which we live.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

CNN's "African-American" French

Reporter Chris Burns: "There is at this point about half as many vehicles torched as the night before, so you might call that progress, Carol."
Anchor Carol Lin: "Hard to say, because it's been 11 days since two African-American teenagers were killed, electrocuted during a police chase, which prompted all of this."
- Exchange following a November 6 CNN Sunday Night story about the riots in France. The two teenagers were not Americans, but French citizens of Tunisian heritage

Friday, November 18, 2005

To Keep and Bear

...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Granny deserves self-defense (full article)

"What chance would a 66-year old grandmother have against a bigger, stronger, man a third of her age? What chance would a 60-year old man have against two men, armed and in their 20’s? And what chance would a 65-year old have against a man half his age? Without an equalizer, ,these individuals would have no chance. Because that equalizer was a firearm, all three are alive today.
And yet, proponents of gun control continue to insist that these seniors are putting themselves more at risk by simply owning a gun. Appearing on Fox’s ‘Hannity and Colmes” last week, Michael Beard of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence said, “The privatization of public safety is a dangerous situation in our society.” He also revealed he doesn’t have a gun in home. Of course, he can’t legally own one. He lives in Washington, D.C., home to a firearms ban since 1976 and the nation’s murder capitol 14 of the last 15 years. Still, Beard says he doesn’t need a gun. He has a telephone.
89-year old Lois Cannady had a phone. She used it to call 911 in Durham County, North Carolina on June 5th, 2002 to report an intruder in her home. By the time police arrived, four minutes later, she had been murdered. Michael Beard can perhaps take comfort in the fact that he’s not an octogenarian, and could possibly fend off an attacker for four minutes. But the average response time in Washington, D.C. in 2004 was 8 minutes and 25 seconds. Are you prepared to go almost three rounds with a criminal who may be armed with a gun?"

I'm all for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, but that is not what gun control laws do. Why is there so much fear of law abiding citizens being able carry a gun?
It is insane to infringe upon the rights of the people to keep and bear arms because it leaves them virtually defenseles against criminals whether armed or not.

How do you justify gun control?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Political Debate

During recent months, I have engaged in a fair amount of political debate on the Internet and I must say that I am getting rather tired of it.

For the most part, I would say that any one individual has the same end goals as another, no matter the political philosophy or religion or whatever. The opinion of how to achieve those goals is so vastly different; however, that it in many ways keeps anything significant or meaningful from being accomplished. I went to the opening lecture at a Diversity Conference at my university and I found myself agreeing with the speaker as he talked about the types of goals he hoped to achieve. Nevertheless, by the end of the lecture, his liberal bias was becoming evident and I realized that although we wanted the same end result, we would be strongly opposed to using each others approach to making it happen. It's sad really. Maybe that's why so little seems to get done. We are all so busy arguing about how it should be done that we don't do anything about it. Even as I write this I can't help but think about how idiotic I feel the liberal approach is to any number of problems.

What can we do to get over this obstacle and make some progress in making our world a better place? One were our children can grow up safe, where all people are treated with decency and respect, where we are free, where the poor are cared for, where abuse and oppression are no more.

What are your goals? What kind of a world do you want? Is it so different from what I want?