Friday, February 04, 2005

Jeff Jacoby: Dean for DNC chairman? Yeeaarrgghh!

Dean for DNC chairman? Yeeaarrgghh!

"Speaking to a DNC forum in New York over the weekend, Dean indulged once again
in some of the undisguised loathing of the GOP that was such a hallmark of Democratic Party activism last year. 'I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for,' he told the audience, 'but I admire their discipline and their organization.'

I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for. Not 'I oppose the Republicans and verything they stand for.' Not 'I'm determined to beat the Republicans.' Not 'I reject the Republican message.' No -- Dean wants it understood that he hates the Republicans and all their works. That is the banner under which he is marching as a candidate to lead his party."

This from the party that promotes tolerance.

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